Welcome to Easy Unfollow apps.

Great application to easily unfollow twitter non-followers
and follow back to new followers.

Total Users : 46467   Premium Members : 39

  Login With Twitter

Through login to this application with your twitter account you will get a list of non-followers who did not follow back to you immediately or unfollowed you on twitter and easily unfollow them. Also you will get a list of your new followers who are recently following you on twitter and able to easily follow back to them.

Who are Non-follower/unfollowers?

Non-follower/unfollowers means the users you are following on twitter but they are not following you. You will view their post but they will not view your post. You can sort out your all non-followers and unfollow them easily through this application.

  View your non-followers

Who are new followers?

New followers means the users are following you on twitter but you did not follow back to them. You will not view their post but they will view your post. You can sort out your all new users and follow back to them easily through this application.

  View your New followers

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